Your Data is Probably a Mess!
Data Migration is a critical component of any CRM implementation. Almost every organisation’s data is a mess in the beginning with duplicates and inconsistent or incomplete data being the common culprits. When you have more than 5% duplicates and numerous inconsistencies, things start to get “dirty”. Searches don’t work properly and reports begin to fail. The data has to be cleaned, and this takes time.
Data deduplication is important, and this can be done post-migration, reducing the overall cost. The bigger challenge, however, is addressing data inconsistencies and incompletions, which are more difficult to fix globally and must be resolved prior to migration if records are to be matched up properly.

Leave Data Migration to the Last Minute at Your Peril

Planning and data quality go hand in hand when it comes to data integration and migration. However, the moving of data is often an afterthought, as the business is more involved with implementing the new system. The data itself will become your responsibility once the system has been implemented.
Data migration may not be the most exciting part of setting up your shiny new CRM, but it is every bit as important as the design and building of the system; you cannot have one without the other.